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Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Holmer Green Junior School, we are committed to supporting the positive mental health and well-being of our whole school community, children, staff, parents and carers. We understand how important positive mental health and well-being is and strive to provide a supportive, caring and respectful environment where every child will feel happy and safe.

We know that anyone in our community may need additional emotional support at some time, so we encourage our children to be open with their feelings and help them to build resilience. We do this by ensuring

  1. Every child feels valued.
  2. Every child has a sense of belonging.
  3. Every child feels able to talk openly to a trusted member of staff.
  4. Positive mental health is promoted throughout the school.

Holmer Green Junior school has a dedicated Pastoral Team to support the children with their mental health and wellbeing, by helping them

  1. Understand feelings and emotions, and to express them appropriately.
  2. Form and maintain positive friendships.
  3. Develop resilience and cope with setbacks.
  4. Be able to deal with change.